Popular In-Depth Research Packages

Two-Hour of Package


Genealogical research starts somewhere, and you may be surprised by how much can be discovered in just two hours.

If you have limited financial resources but still have questions, I’m here to help! I believe everyone should have the opportunity to learn more about their roots. Give me the chance to find some answers for you, and I’ll see what we can learn in just a couple of hours.

If two hours of research don’t answer all your questions, I’ll be here to continue when you’re able to purchase additional work, whether that’s next month or next year.

Four-Hour Package


Whether you’re just getting started with your family tree or have a specific research problem you’re trying to overcome, the four-hour package is a great place to start.

I may or may not be able to finish the job you have in mind within the time allotted, but four hours of dedicated research goes a long way toward accomplishing any genealogical goal.

Twenty-Hour Package


If you have a complicated project you’re seeking help with, like making the leap from the United States back to your ancestors’ country of origin, that’s a job that will take some time.

Or maybe you’re hoping to discover information on multiple generations and really grow the branches of your family tree.

Either way, twenty hours of research can really get the ball rolling and may lead to some substantial discoveries.

Ready to Take the Leap? Or Would You Like to Know More before Proceeding?

Submit a research request. You can tell me if you’d like to get to work straight away or if you’d like to schedule a free consultation to discuss things further.

A research request is just the first step in what could be a very rewarding journey into your family’s history, but it’s not a commitment to hire, so there’s no risk.